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Drone is the way to go when selling a property, a house or land. Aerial footage takes real estate presentations to a new dimension. The focus will not only be on the actual object of interest but the footage will include the surrounding area, infrastructure and environment,  nearby facilities and amenities, proximity to transportations and leisure activities - all in context and connected to the actual property for sale. In this way, we not only market the actual property or house for sale, but the life that comes with it. And if you can help the speculators to visualize themselves in these locations, living a life there - sold. 

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Real Estate

After actually being on the site physically, drone footage is the second best way of presenting a house. It is the closest you will get to a realistic walk-through of the property.  

Not only is it possible to take high altitude distanced images but also to get close and fly low. I can fly both outdoors and indoors, to show both interior and exterior.​ I can fly out from a balcony or a terrace not only to show the view, but give a feeling of how it feels to wake up there in the morning and walk out to enjoy the view from the terrace. 

Ground footage vs. Drone footage

Ground footage vs. Drone footage

Construction Sites

Drone footage is a perfect way of following and documenting the progress of a construction site. A drone can be used to get an overview, for planning, inspection and to shoot the progress and final result. All of this material can also be used as content in your visual marketing.

I can capture an ongoing construction project and the process over time, weekly or monthly, and when it is finished, the final result. 

Reference Videos
New Construction Site

When showing a new construction, aerial footage gives the opportunity to visualize what is about to come to life and it is an easy way to create great sales material.


It is the perfect way of visualizing a not yet built home or a property and the distance to access routes and nearby facilities. With aerial footage you can display and create a feeling.  

Shooting a new construction site can help potential buyers to experience and get a feeling for what they are about to buy. For example, I can capture the panoramic view from the top story of a building that is not even built yet. Even though the potential buyer has not got a physical house to look at he can already enjoy the view.

Drone footage can be used to create 3D models of the intended location and how the property will look when completed

Reference Videos

What my clients say ..



”Varmaste rekommendationer till Camilla och hennes drönarflygning.

Professionell från start till mål och hon levererar ständigt ett fantastiskt resultat!


Enorm kreativitet och fina filmer som är exemplariskt ihopsatta precis enligt mina önskemål."

Elena Gomez



Working with Camilla is easy. Her results are always magical. I find her aerial work to be the perfect completion to my real estate presentations, It always adds that extra. With the drone footage, the whole picture of the property, its location and surrounding environment is presented in a clear way.


The communication with Camilla is always fast, she takes on the project and plan the time together with my clients and she is efficient to deliver high quality pictures and videos.

Anna Hellgren

Jesper Lindgren, Widerlöv.png


Camilla is a reliable and independent photographer and she is always on time.


She leaves nothing to chance and she always manages to exceed my expectations with every delivery.

Alexander Larsson



Camilla is a reliable and independent photographer and she is always on time.


She leaves nothing to chance and she always manages to exceed my expectations with every delivery.

Alexander Larsson

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